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Veganuary 2020

Struggling with Veganuary? Chocolate is the answer!

Because it really does grow on trees.

We hope you’ve all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

Whether you’re thinking of going vegan full time, or just ditching the dairy to help recover from the excesses of Christmas, Veganuary can be difficult for those not used to a vegan diet. Luckily, there’s one thing you don’t have to go without… CHOCOLATE!

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Enticing New Confectionery

We’re bringing caramels back!

Salted Butter Caramels are Back!

They’re the must-have sweet of the moment – French style salted butter caramels that are soft, rich and oh so good. They’ve been missing from our menu for nearly 2 years, but now they’re back and better than ever.

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Vegan Chocolate Collection

We are delighted to announce the arrival of ourĀ new Vegan Chocolate Collection!

We have always said that we didn’t want to make any bonbons which sacrificed quality to meet dietary requirements. If a bonbon was vegan, we wanted it to be because the recipe happened to be, not because we had made it vegan through substitutions and compromises. Continue reading Vegan Chocolate Collection

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It’s always a hoppy time at Easter

As you can see, Bunbun has been busily working away to pawmake* you a beautiful and unique Easter collection.

Bunbun making eggs

There’s something for everyone, from our cute Funky Chicks filled with creamy white chocolate buttons to giant Sea-Dragon Eggs made with rich dark chocolate and a hidden centre of chocolate pralines. Read on to find out all about what Bunbun’s been busying himself with.

Continue reading It’s always a hoppy time at Easter