Just about recovered after a manic weekend at the Ideal Home Show at Christmas, held at Manchester’s EventCity.
This was our biggest show yet, with a reported 40,000 visitors over four days. The venue was completely transformed into a winter wonderland, complete with festive woodland, live music, and snow machine! All the exhibitors also went to extra effort in decking their stands with Christmas decorations, which really helped with the festive atmosphere. We continued the feeling with a stand full of Christmas gifts and mince pies. It wasn’t long before we found out we’d seriously underestimated Manchester’s love of hot chocolate, when we completely sold out of every flavour of hot chocolate stirrer by 2pm on day 2 of 4! Friday night saw a very rushed and half asleep restocking, and we managed to make just enough to last through the rest of the show.

Our mince pies also proved incredibly popular, and we needed a mid show baking session to keep us in stock of those as well. It was nice to get some brilliant customer feedback on them too, with people polishing them off during the show and coming back for more on the way out!
Now, all we have to do is remake everything and more in time for the BBC Good Food Show Birmingham in just over a week’s time……..